Hello my lovelies❣️❣️❣️

I hope you’re all feeling Cupid’s love energy in the air…or is that really our own energy? Hmm…

Have you ever asked yourself why you have the desire to engage in love relationships with others? Is it because you want them to love you? Or because you want them to make you happy? Or perhaps because you want them to validate you’re worthy of love?Furthermore, have you ever asked yourself if you’re giving love as a way of trying to get love or approval, or to avoid disapproval. Are you giving to get something in return? If you found yourself honestly answering with a big “YES” to these questions let’s explore a different approach today.

First I’d like to point out that we simply cannot give away what we don’t have. So if our cup of love is empty then we have no love to give. right? So how do we fill our cup and who fills it? In general there’s an expectation that we get our cup filled by others. This is why love relationships thrive so much in the beginning, because partners fill each other’s cups with compliments, adoration, validation, appreciation, relief, hope, affection, acceptance, etc…and then slowly the fire gets dimmer & dimmer. Why?

I believe it’s because theres a huge misconception that others have to fill our love buckets. While in the beginning of a relationship, the novelty gives us the energy we need to fill each other’s buckets, in the long run it gets exhausting and it stops working because who the heck likes to feel obligated to give & give & give. When the expectations hangover kicks in, conflict arises, and the fire fizzles out quickly.

Well, I’m here to tell you the fire doesn’t have to fizzle out because there is another way of thinking, doing and being. We simply aren’t taught at a young age that we can or how to fill our own cups. The amazing & exciting part is that we can simply shift our mindset and expectations from what’s in it for to me to how can I make it thrive. Before we move on, I’d just like to point out the movie line “you complete me” was the biggest line of BS and it certainly didn’t help people have the right mindset. For the fire to stay hot, we have to each be complete, whole and abundant with love.

Fortunately for all of us, we’ve come equipped with the ability to generate love from within. Once we learn how to tap into our inner being & higher power, we find that our own hearts hold an unlimited amount of love. You say, ok our heart is an organ that pumps blood, how can it actually hold love. Well, based on information available at Heartmath.org, science has proven the “heart is an organ of enormous electro-magnetic intelligence. Sixty to 65 percent of the heart is composed of neuron cells (not muscle cells) and like the brain generates a very powerful electromagnetic field that permeates every cell in the body — but is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the brain!! An electromagnetic field is essentially a broadcasting device so to rephrase that last sentence: the heart’s ability to broadcast messages is 60 times greater in amplitude than the brain! The heart is also the first organ to function after conception whereas the brain begins to start operating after 90 days.”

We can influence this amazing electromagnetic field or in other words this love energy, by setting daily intentions to be loving towards ourselves and others. When our mind is filled with thoughts of love and our hearts are overflowing with feelings of love & joy, we figure out that sharing this love with others generates even more joy and fills our buckets to a point of overflow . The more love we share, the more joy we create in our state of being, and the more loving we become. When we enter this vortex of love, life begins to shift in a way that we could only have dreamt of.

I’d love to also share a few practical tips on how we can set daily intentions & practices for ourselves to generate inner love and make our love cups overflow so we can be bucket fillers not bucket dippers:

1. Intentionally plan acts of kindness. Words & actions that genuinely convey kindness is a great bucket filler for ourselves & others.

2. Practice acceptance, non-judgement & no criticism of self & others.

3. Adopt an attitude of gratitude where you focus on what we have not what we’re missing

4. Show genuine appreciation to friends, family, co-workers, etc

5. Give forgiveness to yourself & others who’ve hurt you, accept that hurt people hurt people!

6. Meditate, meditate, mediate. This allows us to directly tap into divine love and fill ourselves with as much love as is missing from our cup.

7. Give affection to your loved ones freely and frequently.

8. Last but certainly not least, practice self-care. When you get on an airplane they always instruct you to put your oxygen mask in first, right? If you have no oxygen you can’t be there for others. The same is true for love, except love is the oxygen of our soul.

In closing, I hope that my message was clear in that we should enter relationships full of inner/self love with an attitude and intention of sharing what we already have an abundance of not expecting from others to fill our cup. We should take full responsibility for showing up in our relationships with an intense love energy that makes those in our lives feel nothing but loved. If we each did that, this works would be changed in very impactful ways. We each can make a difference.

I hope you found this blog to be useful! Have an amazing weekend my lovelies. Much love & light!



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